You are a multi-dimensional being connected to and through your body relating to this earth and the universe.

Ann Robben Dott has been doing Spiritual Healing for over 35 years and finds it exciting to help bring healing to people all over the world. Healing can be done in person or as distance healing. You the infinite being is beyond the boundaries time and space. The person facilitating the healing session and the person receiving the healing can be in two locations. A healing session may be through a psychic reading, clearing energy, being seen and validated and in any combination.
Axiatonal lines and our meridians in our bodies were originally connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet. These lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid of the entire universe.
Axiatonal lines and our meridians in our bodies were originally connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet. These lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid of the entire universe.
Live Embodied LLC